Project #7
Post-Human Transitional
Symbiogensis Outfit:
Speculative Wearable Biotech
W/ Gibson Davis
*2021 Student Show Nominee
The world has changed in J.G. Ballard’s novel The Drowned World; cities and land everywhere have flooded with water due to intense solar flares. The sun beats down constantly emitting radiation, and all of the living species on earth are changing with the environment. In order to survive, humans need to find new ways of living in which they are no longer the dominant species, and instead turn to the renewed idea of living with their surroundings, as opposed to their traditional attempts of dominance and opposition. Reclaiming their spot within the order of natural things, humans are opened up to opportunities to coexist with other species. Possibilities of synthesis and symbiosis with alternative forms of living are explored, seeking positive benefits for all entities involved.
Post-Human Transitional Symbiogenesis Outfit (P-HTSO) is a body architecture designed to assist humans and help them adapt to these new ways of living by offering new potentials for humans to survive and interact in this novel and ever-changing environment.
Located: London, England
(Speculative World of author J.G. Ballard)