

Brian Pekar
San Francisco, CA

Brian is an architectural designer, strategist, and planner with a Master of Architecture Degree from the University of Michigan where he has focused his work on topics of equity, access, innovation, & affordability. He has had work exhibited at the 2020 and 2021 Taubman College Student Shows and has work published in SuckerPunch. In 2019 he earned an undergraduate degree from Kent State University’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design and is originally from Cleveland, Oh.

He has started his professional career as a strategic planner in Higher Education and has previous experience from internships spanning the past 5 years, most recently working at a K-12 and Higher education focused architecture firm out of Cleveland. 

Thank you.

Email: Bpekar@umich.edu
LinkedIn: Click Here
Graduate Portfolio:
Click Here
Undergraduate Portfolio:
Click Here

Catwalks and the Hats.
Detroit, MI
fall 2020

The ambitions of this The Cat[walks] and the Hat[s]included the formation of attainable housingthat fosters community connections in familiar and novel ways. It seeks to address a dialogueand sensibility with the site’s shifting conditionsand future aspirations, all while using stockmaterials to form a much different exterior conditionsthan expected. It also seeks to create unique and intimate domestic conditions for residents of all types to enjoy.

The buildings situated on the largest lots, line Kercheval Avenue and take up a bar building typology. They address the edges of this larger lot to create a strong urban edge and work together to capture outdoor space between buildings. Buildings further back from the street look to funnel the conditions of Butzel Park into our site. The park conditions spill into our courtyards, and the park paths intersect our buildings. Inversely, one of our buildings reaches into the park, but gives it additional programs in the form of a small stage and gathering space. The boundary between the park and our site is deliberately blurred.

Three base pieces compose our structural kit of parts, all of which are structurally composed ofCLT. The first piece, the program module, which can be understood as a floor condition as well as the residential programming elements, the interior walls, ducts and plumbing. Next, the wall condition, which includes the vertical structural system and window apertures of the units. The third piece of our kit of parts, the hats, are a series of ceiling and roof conditions that top each module.

Exterior View from Courtyard

Site Plan & Axonometric

Kit of Parts & Assemblies

Unit Options and Fittings

Model Photo: Diagrammatic assembly scene

Rendered Section Drawing 

Kercheval Ave. Street View

Interior Views